2017 – A Record Breaking Year For CallPotential
Our year in review is complete and we are excited to announce that CallPotential had a record year among all metrics. View the Infographic below:
CallPotential tracked and recorded over 7 million calls using over 12,000 tracking numbers. Of those calls, 62% were inbound vs. 38% outbound. Operators used our performance manager to analyze and grade over 40,263 calls for peer to peer grading, self grading, and of course manager grading.
Clients using our In-House Call Center powered by CallPotential processed 817,845 calls with 288 of their own agents.
Lead Manager saw a record 1 million follow-ups completed. 72% of these follow-ups were live calls, 24% text messages, and 4% emails.
Collection Manager collected over $57 Million using automated payment reminders. $3.7 Million was collected via internal call centers, $10.5 million collected via email reminders, $24 million by IVR, and $16 million by text/sms. 24,092 new people signed up for autopay using CallPotential Collection Manager. Each location averaged $38,729 collected.
Overall, CallPotential saved self storage managers 1464 work days, 293 work weeks, 67.5 work months equaling over 5.6 work years by automating and streamlining day to day tasks.